Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ends Statement Response

E-3: Citi
Each student will be a responsible citizen by being an informed and involved member in his or her local, national and global communities.

E-5: Character
Each student will possess the character to do what is right, act morally with wisdom, and balance individual concerns with the rights and needs of others.

Post either the Citizenship or Character Ends statement that you are going to work towards and reflect on why you choose it. Include a list of activities that you already do that display that objective.

1 comment:

  1. I am going to work towards the Character end statement because I want to do what's right and do as I want to help our community. The things I am already doing is helping my smaller siblings with their homework, let old citizens sit on the bus, sometimes pick someone's trash and put it in the garbage and help out classmates if they need help with their homework.
