5. Prof. Docs.

This project is action research because you are researching your ability to make change by trying to make to change.

Document Your Success Professionally 
For this project you need to use APA formatting to create a professional word document.
  • Write a short document about your success. 
  • Paragraph one: The topic
  • Paragraph two: The project, include a bulleted list of the steps involved. Include a picture of the graphic you took a picture of earlier. 
  • Paragraph three: The poll, include a picture of the chart you created.  
  • Paragraph four: Self Reflection 
    • What did I do?
    • Where did I put the most energy in this project?
    • What did I do best?
    • Were any parts missing?
    • In what ways was I successful? Describe learning, awareness, personal growth, community growth. 
    • Advice for next terms students: 
Cite Your Research Properly
  1. You've already listed your research in APA format using the citation machine.
  2. Now move your list to the end of your document, head it with the underlined title References and put your list in alphabetical order. 
  3. Somewhere on your professional document use a direct quotation. See here for information on how to cite a direct quotation properly. 
  1. Use spell check and grammar check before your hand this in. 
  2. Share this project to your class work folder in google docs.  

Professional Documentation Skills Checklist